Monday, 23 February 2015

Dharma, Karma & Kaalam

Dharma, Karma & Kaalam

This is one of my pet topics I always love to discuss and 'discourse' !!.

In my opinion, every object in this universe, animate or inanimate or anything other than those, follow the three principles of 'Dharma', 'Karma'  & 'Kaalam'.

Dharma is a very sensitive word.  (Bhagawan Shri. Veda Vyasa himself describes that it is very difficult to identify clearly to draw a line between dharma and adharma).  However, I would like to discuss it in its down-to-earth meaning.

'Dharma' of an object under consideration is the primary, secondary and any additional objectives of that object for which it has been designed.

'Karma' of the object is the activity that the object conducts. It is assumed that this has to be in line with its 'dharma'.

'Kaalam' is the duration of time of the 'Karma' of that object.

In short, an object with a specific 'Dharma' can perform a specific 'Karma' in a specific 'Kaalam'.

Kaalam has birth and death ie. Start and End.
When the Karma is repeated, it is rebirth and redeath.  Karma gives result or 'Phalam'.  Needless to say that there will certainly be some amount side-effects of 'Karma-Phalam' carried over to the rebirth.

For example, a Wheel is round in shape and is designed to rotate. Therefore, to rotate is its 'Dharma'.
When it is used for doing the work of carrying the chassis of a four-wheeler and taking it forward, it is named as a 'Tyre'.  When the object called  'Wheel', is setup on the steering rod of the four-wheeler, it can still be rotated; though however, it is called a 'Steering Wheel'.  In this case, though the wheel is the object that has 'Dharma' defined as 'Rotate', a derived form of that object called Tyre has Dharma : 'To carry the vehicle forward/backward' and another derived form of that object called the Steering-Wheel has Dharma : 'To steer the four wheels of the vehicle'.

The Karma of Tyre is to rotate on the floor.  This is as a result of many other forces like friction, torque, thrust etc. The result or Phalam is that the vehicle moves (forward or backward) according to the other forces.

The Karma of Steering wheel is to turn about the steering rod only (and not anywhere else). The Phalam (result) is that it causes the other wheels to go in a direction.

All these operate in a Kaalam or Time in tandem, to yield the specific result.

By wear and tear, the tyre could burst after many such births and rebirths.  Thus the effect of Karma can be carried over to another Kaalam of birth or rebirth.

Having said that the Tyre as well as the Steering-wheel are both Wheels, can they change their roles?
Can the Tyre be fitted on the Steering-rod and the Steering wheel on the Axle?
Would that perform the Karma?

Why not? could be an answer - For, both have the primary Dharma of rotating, they can definitely do the assigned Karma.  However, there would be deficiency of performance.  Thus whenever there is intermixing of 'Dharma', there is bound to be chaos (See also Bhagawad Geeta).
Thus though the Tyre and the Steering wheel have both inherited a 'Dharma', they are fine-tuned for a still special 'Dharma' which could result in performance issues in case they are not used at the right place at the right time.

What is the use of turning the 'Steering wheel' without starting the vehicle and accelerating in the right gear? Therefore, timing is also important and that only can yield results.

The right object with the right 'Dharma' for doing the right 'Karma' (work) at the right 'Kaalam' (time) would only yield the required 'Phalam' (result). 

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