Krishna Janma-Ashtami-Rohini
Today (12 Sep 2017) is Shri Krishna Ashtami Rohini. Ashtami in the Zodiac means that, the Moon is about 3 raasis away from Sun and therefore at right angles to Sun. The Moon can be at right angles to the Sun either on the front side or on the rear side. On the front side, when it moves away from the Sun, it is called Shukla Paksham (White side - Waxing) and on the rear side when it approaches the Sun, it is called Krishna Paksham (Black side - Waning). Why is it that when the Moon goes towards the Sun, it is Waning and Krishna? It is because, it is then that there is a combined effect of the Moon and Sun on the Earth so that there is added attraction - Krishna means attracting; Krishna also means Blue and therefore the culmination of the waning moon is the Blue Moon or the New Moon or Amaavaasi. On Amaavaasi, the Sun-Moon-Earth are almost linear in that order.
In North India (as well as in the West), the calendar followed is Solar. While in South India, a Lunar calendar is followed. In the strict sense the Hindu Calendar is based on a far star and therefore known as the Sidereal System. The West usually follows the Tropical System that is based entirely on the Sun. (It is generally believed that in 290CE, both had coincided). The North adopts the Eighth phase of Krishna Paksham (waning) Moon in the month of Shraavanam, as Krishna Ashtami. Whereas in the South, it is the Krishna paksham Eighth phase of the Moon in the month of Simham (Chingam) that usually coincides on Rohini Nakshatra as well.
The Southern calendar lays stress additionally on the Nakshatram (star) and therefore, require that the Moon reach the Rohini star inorder that Shri Krishna Jayanti be celebrated. Only then would the Ashtami (8th phase of the Moon) be located in the Krishna Paksha (Waning phase) of Simha month. Therefore, this time round, the North celebrated Krishna Ashtami on 15th August 2017 while the South celebrated on 12th September 2017.
As an aside, it needs to be mentioned that there is a view that it was on Rohini star that the Universe came into existence. The concept is based on the Moola-aadhaara Zodiac which says that the Nakshatra opposite to the 4th Paada of Moolam Nakshatram (which is incidently Rohini) is the point in time of the creation of the universe. (May also note that the Moolaadhaara of the Kundalini placed upon the Vaastu Purusha on the Zodiac coincides with the Moolam Nakshatram of the Raasi-Chakram). That date when the Moon traverses the Rohini Nakshatra in the month of Simha is Sri Krishna Jayanti as Lord Vishnu is considered to be the Sustainer of the Universe. The Zodiac had started on Rohini at that point of time; however, due to the Sun's precession, the epoch of the start of the year has migrated to that of Ashwini (Ashwati) in the Mesha Raasi. The Rohini Nakshatra is the sector between 10deg 0min and 13deg 20min of the Raasi-Chakram (Hindu Zodiac) and falls in the Vrishabha (Bull) Raasi (House).
Another point to note is that the Sidereal calendar has a shift of nearly 24-25 days for the Summer Equinox (Vishu). This is because of the precession of the Sun - The Solar Calendar of the North & the West, still follows March 21st as the start of Mesha. The Lunar Calendar of the South has it between April 14 to April 16 which is approximately the Ayanamsa of about 24 degrees. This is generally the difference between the Tropical and the Sidereal calendars.
As per astrological terms, the Lord of the Rohini Nakshatra is Moon (denoting Love & Emotions); Raasi is Bull (of Cow or गौ family) and Shri Krishna is also known as Govinda, Gopaala, Govardhaka; the Deity is Brahma or Prajapati - meaning the Creator; the Symbol is Chariot, Temple or Banyan Tree (very prominent symbols related to Shri Krishna - the Charioteer of Arjuna, the propounder of the Kshetra-Kshetrajna Yoga that considers the created Body as a Temple as mentioned in the Bhagawad Geeta, the symbol of the inverted Banyan Tree in the Bhagawad Geeta as well as the Vision to Manu at the start of creation as a small baby on a Banyan Leaf - all reminds us of Shri Krishna).
The First Paada of Rohini is called ओ (English letter O) which refers to the Pranava Mantram ॐ.
The First Paada of Rohini is called ओ (English letter O) which refers to the Pranava Mantram ॐ.
Hence, Shri Krishna Janma-Ashtami-Rohini. (ie. Janma-Ashtami ~ Ashtami Rohini)
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