Tuesday 3 April 2018

Moksha & the Escape Velocity of an Aatma

Moksha - & the Escape Velocity of an Aatma

Like a satellite that is controlled by a space station, the Aatma, from a distance or otherwise, controls the life of matter. When it controls a biological matter, we call that as posessing life.

The Aatma distributes energy that activates biological matter of the like of humans, animals, plants, etc.

That control of the Aatma on the matter continues in cycles, until the Aatma is released out of, like that of 'escape velocity'. Those cycles of events when the Aatma regulates and deregulates matter may be known as birth and death.

To be released from the cycle of birth and death, it needs to attain at least (in astronomical terms) an escape velocity.

That escape velocity enables Aatma to escape from its attachment to matter so as to enable itself for moksha.

That is essentially why ancient India spoke about detachment and ways to achieve it for moksha. That state is better still than the state of heaven or hell.
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