Friday 28 September 2018

Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

Swamiye! Saranam Ayyappa!

Sabarimala is a historically sacred & significant place, even referred to in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

The temple of Ayyappa has its praana pratishtta (प्राण प्रतिष्ठा) conceived (संकल्प) as 'Naishttika' brahmachaari as the deity (देव). Naishttika (नैष्ठिक) is about Nishta (निष्ठा) or rigourousness & religiosity of following something  particularly. Brahmacharyam (ब्रह्मचर्यम् ) is moving (चर) along with Brahman (ब्रह्म). 

Therefore as per the idea conceived by the founding fathers (तन्त्रि = he who prescribes on how to liberate or तरति cross over the तनु body) the devotee is supposed to have been practicing  renunciation of all modes, religiously during the 41 day period before he climbs up the 18 steps to realization. However, dwelling immensely in  samsaara (संसार - where whatever one does has a सार meaning! i.e. this network of worlds) of bondages, it may not be possible for everyone to achieve that state of Tattwamasi (तत्त्वमसि = तत् त्वं आसि that thou art) to be able to renounce completely. "Experience makes man perfect." Therefore, to become to that state of Tattwamasi, to turn oneself into the Swami (i.e. the Lord / God / Creator - omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent), is a strife and may be achieved thru repetition of that practice & therefore may require to be continued year on year. It was perhaps thought, that the right time was indeed after Onam, when the granaries have been sufficiently taken care for feeding families & animals for at least a year, thereby after feeling relaxed of the family responsibilities. It also means that renunciation is not about running away from work or responsibilities, but undertaking the duties with renunciation (just as the Gita observes).

Thence, the males observed the strict vows for 41 days, & the women participated thru relaxing, keeping away from men and involving in prayers. The vow also requires self discipline, cooking, vegetarian intake, undertaking the daily chores & individual necessities by oneself. It is also necessary it seems, that when the pilgrimage is completed, getting down the hill and upon reaching the pampa river, there should be just enough food and money left with him, to reach back home!!

Thus, those who could go to Sabarimala are those who are freed (or attempting to free themselves) of bondages. While the men need to observe strict vow, boys and girls less than 10 yrs were exempted, considering that they are generally already free from bondage. Women above 50, who wish to treck to the temple, are also considered to be free from bondage and already in a state of renunciation. (Women generally are considered to be more spiritual by design, as they are for giving (deliver) and not for taking (picking) unlike men who are designed to pick-up (earn) - of course for self and family. The only period when the women are otherwise, is when they bear and rear children). They love to live in their own dynamic  world just as are children. That is perhaps why, most religious texts of the world on the subject of renunciation reflect more upon what men should do!!

Having said that, we find that the three categories of humans satisfying the necessary qualifications to climb up to the sanctum sanctorum of the seat of renunciation (Tattwamasi), are children below 10, women above 50 and boys and men of all ages who follow the prescribed austerities.

On the contrary, in the practical scheme of things, if a woman between 10 & 50 has to go, they generally are accompanied by men who are close relatives. This puts an additional burden of responsibility on those men, which is nothing but attachment (and is counter to renunciation!) - thereby defeating the entire purpose of that man's visit and practice. 

The temple is not open every day. Earlier it used to be open only during the month of Makara (mid-January). When people started visiting without undertaking the prescribed austerities, it was initially decided to open a side entry. When the crowd grew further, it was extended for those without following the austerities, for the first of every Malayalam month (usually the 15/16/17 th of Gregorian calendar) thru the side entry. Now with the women also allowed, it would be better to open throughout the year for side entry. 

Perhaps, it would be good to continue to restrict women between 10-50 yrs to enter thru the main entrance so as to keep up, respect and appreciate the  idea of the original designer and the founding father of that temple. (In other words let them be restricted of irumudikkettu, that is essential for climbing the 18 steps). That would leave for any learned posterity, at least a fine thread about the logic on the concept and meaning of the pilgrimage.

Sabarimala Ayyappa temple is a pilgrimage to self control, detachment and renunciation. It is not about fulfilling of prayers and wishes, rather it is about overcoming wishes and desires. Only those who have no wishes (not even the wish to pray) and those who wish to come out of desires should undertake the prescribed austerities and go there. That is also why, this temple is open to everyone of all faiths and beliefs, because self realization (Tattwamasi) is the ultimate goal of all faiths and beliefs!! The restrictions for women as well as the austerities for men, therefore may have been conceived intentional to societal progress and not discriminatory, and is especially significant when rising trends of atrocities towards women may be on the rise.

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