Tuesday 12 March 2019

Is there a God to be Worshipped

 Is there a God who is to be Worshipped?

It is okay to define god as the 'causeless cause of all causes'.  But to believe that he created all that is seen and experienced, for the creation to sing songs of praise and flattery is the illogical part.  That he created the universe for the benefit of human beings alone is the illogical part!! That the multiverses that we find astronomical years away, have been created for the use and benefit of that miniscule & insignificant creation called humans, is the illogical part!!. That after death we travel to some place only to enjoy the exclusive manly instincts of attraction to females and specified in numbers as funny as 72, along with rivers of intoxicants, is the illogical part!!.

Can imperfection come from perfection? Don't we  see so many animals & people suffering in many ways, right from their birth? If there is a judgement day after death, then the initial foundation or premise must be the same for a level playing field, isn't it?. 
Can god create a rich and a poor and ill treat the poor after his death for stealing from the rich? 

Thus if logic had to be applied for the creator, it has to be applied for the created as well, isn't it?

In that case, you might bring-in the law of karma - specifically that which gets attached not to the body, but to the consciousness (the 'I' feeling) and therefore as the reason for the cause of suffering in the new creation (birth). Definitely, that the law of karma works clearly with matter is a known fact and doesn't need any explanation!!, for example, if a finger is brought to a fire, the finger burns and causes pain as well as damage to itself and the body.

If therefore, such injustice of creator is justified by telling that the creator has no explicit role, but that everything works by the system established by that God, then certainly it would be illogical to have a judgement day, & rather it would be more reasonable to assume the law of karma, or the law of cause and effect, not as an explicit act of god, but an implicit reaction out of the rules of that established system.

Thus therefore, once the system has taken over the duty of performing the actions (karma), due delegation is just a consequence, since there are multitude of subsystems within that system. Hence, unless those subsystems are not kept in the right spirits (call it keeping them 'happy'), the expected results would not be obtained and there could be chaos within subsystems that might effect at least insignificantly, if not  causing interference significantly, and such repeated incidents could affect higher subsystems in the hierarchy.

Therefore, as can be seen, the original creator is beyond the silly pleasures of praise or flattery while it is the sub-creators and the mainteners who enjoy the praise and flattery. They would therefore bestow the necessary 'good luck' that we attribute to them!

In short, if at all anyone is to be worshipped, it is the demi-gods who have to be worshipped and not the original creator. And for the purpose of sustenance, health and happiness, it is necessary that the demi-gods be worshipped suitably well.

To add to that, it is not just the humans who worship the demi gods, but even the plants, animals, birds too as well as the inanimate mountains, solar system, universe, multiverse, etc. do. Worship is the act of keeping the worshipped in peace and happiness. A jar of cold water can be heated and it's peace disturbed, so that a frog or a fish dropped into it immediately jumps out. Any element of nature is worshippable. To give a modern day example, non-worship involves acts of throwing non-decomposable plastic into the earth or in the rivers or oceans!

Hence even the so-called atheists obey and have to obey the rules of nature, thereby worshipping  and following them (the demi gods) though not by daily praises or flattery, but at least by imbibing the essence of sustenance thanks to their understanding the laws of karma thru proper reason and logic. 

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